HMRC - the curse of the self-employed

I am just completely fed up with 1) Inland Revenue (as it used, in simpler days, to be known) and 2) the Diocese of Chichester for blindly following the stupid HMRC diktat which completely contradicts the church's earlier position - not contradicted by the revenue at the time - that organists were not employees and thus eminently sackable. And here. And here.

Two churches have mentioned this to me, that I am to be treated as an employee. It would be financially doubleplusungood as my expenses would be slashed at a stroke and, much more importantly, my National Insurance Number, birth-date and everything necessary to commit mayhem and ID theft would be at the mercy of about 10 parish treasurers and their internet security. One treasurer-click on a phishing link, and there's my bank details gone. No. No, no and NO.

One person mentioned that I would get a pension - well, no. I'd have to be paid £10,000 by each church to qualify for that, likewise sick pay. Even the idea of holiday pay wouldn't make up for it.

So. One church has really nice people (if unprepared to stand up to the diocese) and a really naph organ, of which many pipes haven't been heard for years. The services are somewhat variable, since the PP sends in deputies whenever I'm there; I've had Alan Bennett celebrating mass more than once. So I've said I will not play for them - it's not worth it. Any more coming up with this inflexible line will be given the same answer. 

The choral society which just asked me to accompany their rehearsals will probably be next on the tax-radar. I foresee a sudden lack of treasurers for voluntary organisations, once they find out how much extra work they will have to do. 

I do pay tax on my profits. But they have to be profits before I will part with a single penny to THIS government. Slash benefits. Underfund the NHS. Cripple local authorities with statutory obligations and remove the money to meet them. Oh, and knock 5% off the tax bill of the wealthiest 1% of people in the country.

Sorry if you weren't expecting a rant, but I do have them occasionally.


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