Too long

I can't believe how long it has taken for bookings to start coming in again after the 2020 lock-up of every church in the Kingdom. However, at long last I got  asked to play somewhere other than Brighton. OK, I have played here before, but it's still a change of scene.

I played at Heene Church on Sunday last. Heene is a part of Worthing that predates Worthing. The word apparently means "high", it is the site of the old windmill (long gone) and is on the only high ground for some distance around. About 30' above sea-level, since you ask.

The organ is still working, still uncleaned (last work was done in 1966, so it's a bit dusty in there), but the electronic "concert organ" has been taken out of service, and there seem to be no plans to plug it in again.

(Just a couple of photoes to entertain. The organ facade was redesigned in 1966 to allow maximum sound to percolate from the chamber to the nave, as there is almost no egress from the west side. Also, the larger pipes were removed from the organ, and when they lowered the pitch as far as they could, the lowest two pipes of the 8' Open Diapason were too short and had to have tuning slides fitted, so they couldn't go on the front. They are stood off, either side of the Swell front.

Later on, I went for a drive over the South Downs, and stopped on the way as I was struck how wintry it looked still.


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