Ringing in one's ears

Yesterday morning was an unexpected pleasure when the previous Tuesday, I was asked if I could stand in at short notice at Findon, their organist booked for the day had a problem. A normal 4-hymn eucharist, with Bach during communion and Frank Bridge after.

In the afternoon, I thought that, since it was a lovely day, I'd go to a choral evensong. Chichester had Purcell in C and his Thy Word is a Lantern. Guildford had Howells' Gloucester service and Finzi's Lo, the full final sacrifice. So Guildford it was, 35 miles through the Sussex Downlands and Surrey commuterland.

As I was standing, gormlessly, at the back of the cathedral, two friends greeted me, they'd some up from Portsmouth for the same reason (nothing much on at their diocesan cathedral - Chilcott 3 choirs service and Mathias' Let the people praise thee, a service, slightly confusingly, described as choral evensong "with Commemoration of the WWI Centenary ringing by Winchester & Portsmouth Bellringers".

Anyway, I was curious - as were they - to hear the changed acoustics following the Artex removal. 

Photograph copyright Philip Bailey 2019

Well, Howells' Gloucester isn't exactly short, and the Finzi took 16 minutes. The preacher preached on Fleabag (I don't have a TV but I do get Radio Times). So, after the Demessieux Te Deum we emerged, one hour 35 minutes later, blinking and lightly deafened, into the evening sunlight. Both girls and boys were singing, so the organist would seem to have been told to beef it up a tad. But the acoustics seem clearer, the singing seemed to carry better than before. We were 12 rows back. But the organ is certainly no softer after its reinstallation.

The cathedral looks pristine, the damp marks removed, and a new and very state-of-the-art sound system. micro-speakers, in little stone-coloured strips mounted at head height. I miss the Maufe light-fittings (surely they could have been left in situ when the new ones were installed, some years back now), and was surprised to see a big six on the high altar. Apparently that's been the norm for high and holy days for 30 years, the Maufe pair out in ordinary times.

My journey back I missed a turning and had to go via Pulborough, but worth the trip. Must do it more often.


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