The turbines of dullness thrumming

When I started this I was thinking that there would be little snippets to share pretty well weekly. Well, the same ol' keeps on happening. Last Sunday,the only thing of note was a server mentioning that the church's heating wasn't on yet, and he had to wear a thin alb. It was suggested that a pullover underneath it would help, and that it should be white, so as not to show through. I suggested that, like liturgical socks, it could follow the church's year and could be green at present, changing to purple in Advent, and so on. Needless to say, I was wearing a pullover. And yes, it was green.

Other than that, I've been ping-ponging between two churches who have booked me pretty solid til Christmass, with occasional excursions to what I think of as my"home" church, St Mary, Kemptown.

Developing RSI in my left arm has been a bit of a bummer, I'm turning down work right, left, and centre. Letting Aedan down for a rehearsal involving learning a large-ish chunk of Pinafore, Philip with chunks of Purcell and Mathias for a concert in October, I've been farming out other extras to the few organists I know of. Work doesn't help, and trying to use dictation software doesn't work here, and will be tricky at the (noisy) office, even when it's eventually installed. The software won't even let me dictate this into the blog. So shall stop here.


  1. Update: The dictation software promised at the office I declined. It would have cost over £1000 on my work PC (which crashes with monotonous regularity),and with the racket going on round me it wouldn't have worked, anyway.


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