Four weeks

And - apart from the absence of common sense from the Care Company which "supplies his [Dad's] needs" (!) and an unusual request for cover at a church for which I do not normally play - nothing much has still happened. I am very grateful that disaster hasn't happened, apart from, that is, the care company insisting that a pilot light on Dad's gas fire could cause Carbon Monoxide poisoning the morning after, and thus leaving a fan heater blowing straight at his face.

The CFWIDNNP was South Lancing, and the organ is by Peter Collins ( ) and nice to play. Much nicer than just about anything else I play on a normal basis. I can influence the starting transient on any note I choose!

I had better not go into detail about the care company, but working for the Government gets even more tedious. Forced to stay there today - and every Monday - til 6:30, because Management says there is a Need for Phone Cover, nothing happened for the third week on the trot. The two colleagues in the same room as me were similarly underwhelmed by the essential phone cover we were providing. On the main section which, for the last two week, had no-one sitting there after 5pm, today there were two people. There is never an HEO on site after 4:30 so far as I can see.

Have a pretty picture of crocii open the other day, before the rain got them.
Dad's front garden. I don't remember planting them, but very glad to see them. There are some Gladioli which faded a bit after the first year, but are making a comeback, and the tulips did two years and never reappeared. Pictures of what's left soon.

On 19th Jan I took this one on the way to work - best thing that happened that day:



  1. Latest: From September, because we have lost so many staff nationally, I am now required to stay til 6:30 on Mondays and 5pm on Tuesdays, so that local management can say "we've got 33 staff til 5 as you asked, Sir, ever so 'umble. Sir". Because they forced many people who come in early to change their 8am start to a 5pm finish, they then had to ask 9am starter to think about changing to an 8am. You really couldn't make it up.


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