A normal weekend in the life of a wandering organist
Sat am : 7am: Fire up puter, reply to emails including one from friend, wondering why friend needs me to take over UK distribution of her books. Start typing out lyrics for Christmas Carol Service booklet I rashly decided to have for 9 Lessons & carols. Have a nice, relaxing bath for about 10 minutes. Round to Dad’s to find carer has left note to say his bedside lamp has stopped working under 12 hours after I fitted a new bulb. Try bulb in another lamp, find lamp broken. Make mental note to buy new bulb-holder. Find a third lamp, bulb works fine. Scrabble round in drawer, find 3amp fuse for first lamp, change it, bulb works ok. Decide that a 60W filament bulb is a little too much for Dad’s bedside lamp, find a low energy one and find that it’s a screw fitting – we have no screw-fitting lamps in the house. Dad probably bought it by mistake some years back. Mark that bulb as “please take me” for a carer to take away and leave on kitchen table. Get new hair cli...