Bishop: "I've cancelled Pentecost!"

Well, not quite, in fact that headline contains about as much truth as a tabloid red-top article.

The badge
However, the Bishop of Portsmouth did - in effect - cancel the Choral Evensong planned for Pentecost at the Church of the Holy Spirit, Southsea, by scheduling the presentation of the first ever St Thomas Awards in Portsmouth Diocese on the evening of Pentecost at 6pm.

My friend, Philip Drew, was one of the first 12 to receive one of these, and over 30 people from his church went along to see him receive it.

Post-service, just before the bun-fight
Very pleased that Philip should have this, well-deserved.

Not eating, talking!
Choral evensong resumes on 5th June with Walford Davies' Chant Service setting.


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