
I played at a church which has featured here before, which again I will not identify.

Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea culpa maxima est, but I was away last weekend (in BSE) and preparing for that occupied my thoughts in the Octave of Easter. Thus I didn't bother the Director of Music to let me have the music for today until 7am on Wednesday morning. (I switch off of an evening, especially after a heavy day to work.) When it arrived, with a chilly reproof for not asking before if I needed it before, it was photographs (not scans) of copies from a phone, which had (undetected) stripped out half of the stuff I needed, probably because of the size of each one. These sent by the DoM at gone 10pm on Thursday night. It was only today that I pointed this out, having had that chilly email already I didn't want to bother the DoM because it seemed that the DoM thought that these were all I needed. It was then that the DoM phone was checked and corroborated my story.

I mean, there's scatty and scatty. The DoM and I are probably a combination made in Hell. Someone needs to be organised, and it seems neither of us is - or, at the best, we're disorganised in exactly the same places.

I don't like the organ (a miscalculated, expensive, restoration not long ago IMHO) and the hourly rate works out at half that for playing four hymns in a small church. I think I sha'n't accept any further bookings - if, indeed, they are offered, after this week.


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