Just eggs. Really?

Where's Easter gone?

Even the normal fourth Sunday (trad. lang., Martin Shaw) got displaced for a Family Service this morning. The 8:30 said service over-ran by 15 minutes, the 9:30 started 10 minutes late, I didn't know the hymns til the board was put up two minutes before the service started, the Gloria was sung to the Thorne setting but the words in the service book were the "Peruvian" Gloria, and the Agnus Dei was sung (metrically) to Repton. About the only thing we didn't have was "If I was [were! Conditional!] a wriggly worm". The Clergy are throwing away the Church's traditional music without noticing or caring. There were five hymns in all, three were generic "alleluia" type, so where were The Day of Resurrection, Jesus Lives, Love's Redeeming Work is Done, The Strife is O'er, Ye Choirs of New Jerusalem, to name only a few? (Quite pleased Hail Thee, Festival Day didn't make it.) All classics, and unless we introduce them to the "family", they will never know them. The service was a disaster area, starting with cobbled-together chunks of the Saturday evening first Mass of Easter, and done in a tiny Norman church which doesn't make any processing sensible, let alone practical.

Hoping for something better this evensong.


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