Humming along

St John the Evangelist, Findon

 Sunday, and playing at the charmingly (and inconveniently) sited parish church of Findon. Inconvenient because it is far out of the village, beyond the old manor house, across the A24 which can be busy. Charming because it sits between fields and a wood, nestling in a fold of the South Downs.

I turned up to play their recently overhauled (and somewhat indifferent) organ, which is not a thing of beauty, hung high on the west wall, with the console en fenĂȘtre to the clergy vestry in the south transept.
I was looking forward to playing there, as I like the service, very simple setting and hymns, and there is a peace about the building which is rare, even in churches.

At quarter past nine, then I had selected the music play before, during and after, bearing in mind it was Lent I, so switched on the blower. At which point, all electricity died. No lights, heat, anything.

So I earned my fee by humming the first notes of the hymns and setting to give pitch and speed. I would not have chosen Wolvercote to sing unaccompanied, personally, with the lovely key-change to C halfway through. The Vicar managed it perfectly, though, and revealed afterwards that she has been in many a choir in her time.

Congregation sang well, possibly better than usual, and rising to the occasion.

(Photoes copyright Philip Bailey. Please ask if you wish to use them.)


  1. One for my next book?!? Loved it. But bet you didn't.... :-)

    1. I am glad to say that, despite the apparent causation of my switching the organ on, and the fuse blowing, it was merely a co-incidence. Very pleased indeed.


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