Four weeks

And - apart from the absence of common sense from the Care Company which "supplies his [Dad's] needs" (!) and an unusual request for cover at a church for which I do not normally play - nothing much has still happened. I am very grateful that disaster hasn't happened, apart from, that is, the care company insisting that a pilot light on Dad's gas fire could cause Carbon Monoxide poisoning the morning after, and thus leaving a fan heater blowing straight at his face. The CFWIDNNP was South Lancing, and the organ is by Peter Collins ( ) and nice to play. Much nicer than just about anything else I play on a normal basis. I can influence the starting transient on any note I choose! I had better not go into detail about the care company, but working for the Government gets even more tedious. Forced to stay there today - and every Monday - til 6:30, because Management says there is a Need for Phone Cover, nothing hap...