
Showing posts from June, 2019

I should be so lucky, lucky lucky lucky...

Living and working in Worthing. Not the biggest/smallest/glammest/prettiest of towns, but I am lucky to live here. When I lived in Earls Court my car turned grey over the course of a day, but now I can drive home and stop for a brief wander on the beach. Bluer than the Mediterranean when last I saw it (February) and This misses the sparkle, the "innumerable laughter of the sea" as Dorothy L Sayers puts it. Refreshes the spirit wonderfully after a day at the office.

Schney, Bavaria and North End, Portsmouth

Today I was back in Findon for Trinity Sunday (45 years a church organist today liturgically), which coincidentally was the visit of residents of Schney in Bavaria, who are twinned with Findon. It was also an all-age service. The Vicar had, since it was Trinity Sunday, put down St Patrick's Breastplate which is theologically wonderful but crap for congregations to sing. It wasn't helped by the Mayhew book omitting a few verses and the vicar omitting a couple more, so we had the first verse, Christ within me and the last verse with its utterly unhelpful organ accompaniment (pinched from AMR which, since it's Stanford (d.1924), is out of copyright). Sitting by the organ console there were two people who knew it, as did the vicar. I couldn't hear much coming from the rest of the church... The readings and sermon were in English and German. I just about caught one word in 10 of the latter. During communion I played the Walton Elegy  (from music written for Richard III ), ...